
In November, the IDEAS Council wants to shine a light on National Disability Awareness & Global Diversity Awareness.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)
Observed annually in October, NDEAM celebrates the contributions of American workers with disabilities to showcase supportive, inclusive employment policies and practices. Workplaces welcoming the talents of all people, including people with disabilities, are a critical part of our efforts to build inclusive communities with opportunities for all.

Activities during the month reinforced the value and talent of people with disabilities and affirmed CMC’s commitment to inclusion.

Global Diversity Month is about celebrating the diversity of all cultures and beliefs. Our society has become hyper-connected, resulting in what is known as the current ‘global monoculture’. Ongoing connection via technology hides diversity so it’s not as easily seen.

We can celebrate diversity by connecting with others, informing ourselves about cultural differences, and making an effort to recognize world events that impact other people and their cultures. Some of the benefits of global diversity are shared knowledge, enhanced social development, better self-awareness and even increased career success with the trend of workforce diversity increasing.

For more information on Global Diversity Month please click here.

We are looking for two new council Members to join the IDEAs council, if interested please reach out to Hailey Lavoie at HLavoie@CMCenergy.com or the council general email at Ideascouncil@CMCenergy.com.

IDEAs Council topics for the coming months:

December newsletter – National Native American Heritage & Birth of Báb

January newsletter – International Human Rights Day & Kwanzaa

If any of these topics inspire you and you want to share your story, a friend or loved one’s story, or simply would like to expand on why the topic is important to you, please feel free to reach out to the IDEAs Council at ideascouncil@cmcenergy.com.


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