In an effort to keep our employees working during the COVID-19 pandemic, CMC has developed Remote Energy Assessments (REA) to continue providing valuable services to our customers. As an added bonus the REAs help reduce potential health risks for our customers and employees.

The REAs allow customers to work directly with a dedicated Energy Advisor to help develop a customized savings strategy and offer real-time referral assistance to those in need.

CMC kicked off REAs in Connecticut and has completed five virtual assessments there to date. We have also submitted proposals to PECO, PPL and (IL) to create and offer similar programs to their customers.

And, we are beginning to complete remote quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) reviews in Massachusetts.

CMC continues to create and determine new opportunities to keep our business profitable during COVID-19. REAs are just another great example of how CMC remains agile and flexible when facing new challenges. Here’s a summary of CMC’s efforts to promote the REAs.

Connecticut Pilot

Currently in Connecticut, CMC has implemented Remote Energy Assessments through a virtual assessment pilot with Eversource. Assessments are conducted through Google Duo, Zoom, or video chat and usually take an hour to complete. Targets for the pilot program are customers who have rescheduled their Home Energy Solutions (HES) assessment due to COVID-19.


CMC has offered REAs to PECO will offer enhanced energy education, virtual QA/QC inspections, a reduction to barriers for LIURP customers and much more.


CMC has submitted a proposal for Energy Advisors to serve as technical experts when conducting Remote Energy Assessments and provide personalized guidance and energy education during the assessment process with PPL customers. While the customer is completing the assessment with their Energy Advisor, they will go through the entire home, room by room, obtaining a count of non-LED bulbs, water saving measures and smart power strips.


In Southern Illinois, CMC is working with Ameren/Leidos to conduct virtual multifamily assessments and community outreach. To date, the program has identified and contacted more than 250 complexes that are looking forward to participating in the program.

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