energy conservation CT

For most Connecticut homes, winter means higher energy bills. As our customers know, you can do a lot to lower those bills – starting with making a $124 investment in a residential home energy assessment that could net you more than $1,000 in energy conservation services for your home.

But whether or not you choose to get a home energy assessment, you can still save money just by making very simple changes to the way you live and act at home.

Here are a few simple behaviors you can adopt to drop your bill and conserve energy in your Connecticut home this winter.

Energy Conservation Tips in CT

  1. Don’t pay to heat rooms when you’re not home. A small investment in a programmable thermostat will pay big dividends throughout the year by dropping temperatures when no one’s home — or when everyone is asleep. Today’s programmable thermostats are easy to use — and some can even be controlled by your smart phone.
  2. Reduce hot water usage. The average U.S. household uses about 65 gallons of hot water per day for its sinks, tubs, showers, dishwashers and washing machines. It’s no wonder, then, that heating water accounts for about 20 percent of your monthly energy bills. Replacing your showerheads with low-flow models is a good start for cutting down the amount of hot water you use; taking shorter showers can also have a big impact. When washing clothes, always match the water level in your machine to the amount of clothes you’re washing, and use the “warm” rather than the “hot” setting for the wash cycle. When using your dishwasher, run it only when it’s full (the same goes for your clothes dryer!).
  3. Take advantage of the greenhouse effect. The sun is a great ally in keeping your home warm naturally during the winter. During the day, keep windows uncovered to absorb “free” heat from the sun (heat accumulates via the greenhouse effect), and then close curtains at night to keep that heat from escaping.
  4. Use high-efficiency light bulbs, but only when you’re in the room. High-efficiency LED lightbulbs are extremely efficient, but they’re even more efficient if they’re off when you’re not in the room. Use only the light you need!

Making simple changes like these could have a big effect on your monthly home energy bill. Be smart — and stay warm through the Connecticut winter without paying more than you have to!


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