Tiffany Murphy, Administrative Assistant, has been with CMC since 2017 working in the Yalesville, CT, office. Tiffany was born in Wallingford, CT, and grew up with three sisters. She is married with one-year-old twins. Tiffany played fast pitch softball for 15 years and enjoys running, yoga and skiing. Her favorite sports team are the Boston Red Sox. Tiffany also plays an integral role keeping track of the company-wide CO² reduction savings across programs.

Prior to joining CMC, what did you know of energy efficiency or the industry?

Tiffany: I really didn’t have any experience with energy efficiency or know much about the industry before joining CMC.

What made you join CMC?

T: I worked for a heating oil company before CMC and I just didn’t like the effects that oil has on our planet. When I came across CMC and saw all of the positive impact they have on the environment and community I realized that was direction I wanted to take my career.

What do you like about the work that you do at CMC?

T: Being able to help out any department that needs it. Every day is different and I love that I get to work on different projects with different people.

What do you do for fun?

T: Most of my time is spent chasing after my one-year-old twins, Riley and Mason. I love going out for runs whenever possible, and bringing them along with me in their stroller.


Do you have any hidden talents or interests?

T: I love music and have played the violin for almost 20 years now.

How are you keeping busy during our “stay at home” period?

T: Taking care of the twins, activities with them, walks, runs, and a lot of baking!

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