Say hello to CMC Illinois Energy Advisor Jeff Eccles. Jeff grew up in the south suburbs of Chicago in Glenwood, Illinois, and left home after graduating high school to join the Navy and become a Seabee Builder.
Can you provide some quick background about yourself? Where were you born or raised? Any education/degrees/certs? Favorite hobby or activity, if you have one.

I grew up in the south suburbs of Chicago in Glenwood, Illinois. I left home right after graduating Homewood-Flossmoor H.S. to join the Navy where I became a Seabee Builder – a member of the Navy’s Construction Battalion.
When I got out of the Navy, I attended the University of Illinois at Chicago. I left school early to tour with the band Firebug, living in Los Angeles for about eight years pursuing my passion for music through my bass guitar.
Prior to joining CMC, what did you know about energy efficiency or the industry?
After I returned to the Midwest, I was interested in finding a career that promoted green technologies and received my BPI Certification for Building Envelope Analyst. I began my career with a Chicago-based company, Green Energy Improvements. It was a great “get your feet wet” entrance into the energy efficiency industry. Since then, I have worked with St. Louis Metropolitan Urban League Weatherization Program and CMC Energy.

What made you join CMC?
I joined CMC a couple of years ago. CMC seemed to mark all the right boxes when it came to a career in building performance and helping our customers become more energy efficient.
What do you like about the work that you do at CMC?
Since I’ve been with CMC it’s been a great experience. Although I work on a small crew, we all share the old Seabee “can do!’’ motto mentality. We’ve had our ups and our downs (damn COVID), but we always get the job done.
What do you do for fun? Do you have any hidden talents or interests?
Besides playing with different bands in the St. Louis area, I love to travel when I can. I’m a bit of a hack woodworker, cut twice measure once.
Do you have any plans for the next few months, vacations, etc?
I’m looking forward to heading down south to the border of Mexico in July. I’m also planning a European visit sometime next year.