Innovative. Cost-Effective. Comprehensive.

CMC has designed a school communities program, the Education Community Partnership (ECP). The ECP program seeks to engage students and school communities to broaden their awareness of energy efficiency and clean energy within the school and at home. A unique, interconnected set of program offerings allow the K-12 education community to address multiple areas of need.

ECP Program Offerings

Energy Learning Lab

This includes dynamic, digitally delivered in-classroom energy education, supported by community events coordinated with schools, that feature hands-on materials and energy efficiency giveaways in the form of an Energy Discovery Box.

Peak Performance

CMC will offer building operator training and workforce development for school professionals that will lead to more efficient facility operations and persistent energy reduction. Peak Performance also will be an on-ramp for deeper facilities investment through A Place for Learning.

A Place for Learning

CMC’s commercial and industrial (C&I) experts will provide technical assistance for infrastructure reinvestment projects that will funnel high-impact projects to utility C&I program partners.

ECP is powered by CMC’s extensive history in community and facilities outreach and our C&I technical expertise. Combined with a powerful suite of K-12 educational offerings, CMC will engage public school districts and their surrounding communities throughout the entire Utility service territory to create energy usage awareness, provide meaningful education, and generate significant energy savings for residential and commercial and industrial (C&I) stakeholders.

  • ECP is designed to deliver significant net electric and gas savings through the distribution of energy efficiency measures as part of our Energy Discovery Box.
  • CMC will ensure that program deliver stays within a set, agreed upon acquisition cost.
  • CMC also will facilitate electric and gas savings to the C&I portfolios through application support to the C&I implementer for facilities projects.

By providing high quality education platforms for both students and facilities staff, school communities will have the tools to build and maintain healthier communities. Continued support, technical assistance and collaboration between programs and implementers will allow Utility customers to take a deeper dive into energy efficiency and will nurture an ongoing relationship between the program participants and the Utility.

Interested in learning more about the Education Community Partnership?

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