Tech Bytes is your source for IT information from CMC. This month Tech Byes highlights six topics you should know about.

Wiki Update Coming Soon
A new CMC internal Wiki site is in development.  This will be a one-stop shop for all CMC employees to be able to easily find how-to instructions, informational articles, request forms and other important technology documentation.

Gone Phishing!
Be on the lookout for a new button in your Outlook mailbox calling “Phishing.” This button will allow you to quickly report any received emails you suspect may be a phishing attempt. There will be a fun monthly contest to see who catches the most Phish!

The Multi-factor Adventure Continues
The IT team will be turning on multi-factor authentication login security for the Microsoft Office/Outlook applications in the near future.  You will receive a communication with detailed instructions.

Thanks from IT
A big thank-you to everyone for updating your Help Desk tickets! We have seen great improvement with ticket resolution and closures.

Project Update
The following projects were successfully completed in February and moved into production:

  • SalesForce Multi-factor authentication
  • CMC to PSEG Case Update Integration
  • PPL Measures and Demographic Data Report

Projects currently in progress

  • Atlantic City Electric Quick Home Energy Check-Up Program (Multifamily)
  • Update the Android application with new programs for the Massachusetts auditors


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