
The holiday season is a time filled with celebration, family gatherings and, of course, delicious food. However, the abundance of calorie-rich meals, sugary treats and festive cocktails can make it challenging to maintain a healthy diet!

Four plates is too much!

With all these extra treats, can you guess what the average weight gain is during this season? You might be surprised to know that multiple studies show it’s only about 1-2 pounds! While that might sound like good news, the reality is most people don’t lose this weight. Over time, these small yearly gains start to add up.

Here are some tips for enjoying the season without sacrificing your well-being:

  • Pay attention to what you are eating. Ask yourself, “do I really like this?”
  • Build your plate wisely. Choose food options that contain some vegetables and/or protein.
  • Enjoy your food but eat mindfully. Savor each bite!
  • Select a smaller plate. Don’t pile on food to the edges of the plate. Do you really need a full serving of everything offered?
  • Pay attention to alcohol consumption. Alcohol is not only high in calories, but also lowers our inhibitions, making it easier to overeat.
  • Aim to move your body over the holiday. It’s fine to sleep in, but maybe exercise or go for a moderate walk before holiday dinners.
  • The holiday season can intensify stress. Make sure you get enough sleep and prioritize self-care.

The holiday season is a time to embrace joy, traditions and special moments with loved ones — all of which are possible while keeping your overall health in mind.

Remember, the goal isn’t perfection, but rather enjoying the season in a way that feels good for your body and spirit. So go ahead, savor the season and give yourself the gift of mindful celebration!

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