Hazards can come out of nowhere, and occur within seconds. They can also develop slowly over time due to being neglected or overlooked. Whatever their origin, hazards cause accidents that can lead to injury, illness, loss of production and even death. While there is no way to eliminate accidents, there are prevention plans, preparations and actions that can be taken to reduce them.
CMC supervisors work diligently to identify and reduce workplace hazards at all CMC locations. But they can only remedy issues they are aware of. That leaves CMC employees as the eyes and ears that can quickly assist in identifying and mitigating new hazards that may crop up.
There are six tenets of hazard prevention. Following these guidelines can help you stay safe and protect the team around you.
Know the Hazards – be aware of your surroundings. Look around your space and identify workplace hazards that could cause harm.
- Look for ways to reduce or eliminate hazards and implement prevention plans.
- Report unsafe areas or practices immediately.
Create a Safe Work Area – keep an orderly workplace with all items stored properly.
- Poor housekeeping can cause serious trip and fall safety hazards.
- Inspect work vehicles before and after every use. Remember to DRIVE SAFELY and stay calm on the roads.
Use Safe Lifting Techniques – proper form when lifting or carrying objects is vital. Using the legs to lift, rather than the back, and keeping the load close to the body can significantly reduce the strain on the spine.
- It is crucial to listen to your body and avoid overexertion, taking breaks as needed especially during physically demanding tasks.
Use Personal Protective Equipment – the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can dramatically reduce the risk of injury. Examples of PPE include gear such as earplugs, hard hats, safety goggles, gloves, harnesses and safety shoes.
Have Regular Communication – notify supervisors about safety hazards, participate in safety planning and continually cultivate a safe working environment.
Education and Training – Safety training relating to job hazards should be an ongoing educational opportunity for all levels of CMC. Take these lessons seriously and put learnings into action.
By implementing safety measures, providing proper training and fostering a culture of safety, CMC can significantly reduce the risks to our employees and create a healthier, more productive work environment.