
This month the IDEAs Council chose to discuss International Epilepsy Day and World Day of Social Justice.

International Epilepsy Day is recognized every February 12. Epilepsy is one of the world’s oldest known medical conditions and occurs as the result of abnormal electrical brain activity leading to seizures. This may cause periods of unusual behavior and sometimes loss of awareness. Epilepsy affects people of all ages and around 65 million people worldwide have epilepsy.  People with Epilepsy can die prematurely at a higher rate compared to non-epileptic individuals.

A large percentage of the population misunderstand this disease, and those affected are often reluctant to talk about it. This reluctance leads to epilepsy staying in the shadows with a lack of understanding of risks and what to do if someone has a seizure. International Epilepsy Day was created to raise awareness and educate on the true facts about epilepsy and the need for improved treatment, better care and larger investment in research.

Some Important Facts:

  • 65 million people worldwide and 3.4 million people in the United States live with epilepsy.
  • 1 in 26 people in the U.S. will develop epilepsy at some point in their lifetime.
  • 150,000 new cases are diagnosed in the U.S. each year.
  • Each year, more than 1 in 1,000 people with epilepsy die from sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, known as SUDEP.

Do you or someone you know have epilepsy? You can get involved! Use the #EpilepsyDay badge on your social media profiles and find events happening in your area.


Why do we celebrate World Day of Social Justice?  The celebration is to recognize, promote and tackle issues such as poverty, exclusion, gender equality, unemployment, human rights and social protection.

The world is plagued with unfortunate issues that prohibit millions of individuals from living a fair life. A large portion of the world’s population – through no fault of their own – are deprived of basic living needs such as homes, jobs, access to healthcare, access to education, healthy foods and clean water. February 20 unites leading figures all over the world to advance social justice.

Here are some ways you can advance Social Justice in your community:

  • Examine your beliefs and habits
  • Educate yourself about social justice issues
  • Be kind, understanding, and compassionate
  • Support minority-owned businesses in your community and online

Let’s do our part to bring social justice to the forefront to make this country and our world a better place that is fairer and more equitable.

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