CMC’s IDEAs (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) Council was created to build a strong and lasting corporate culture for our employees. The seven-member team has been brainstorming new ways to learn about each other and “the Name Game” is its exciting new effort.

The Name Game is a team-building group activity that enables CMC employees to share information about themselves to better understand our cultures, lineage and diversity within CMC.

“This game promotes increased collaboration, a better atmosphere, and stronger culture within our teams and offices, especially now with remote work due to COVID,” said Desiree Collazo-Soto, who co-chairs the IDEAs Council with Hailey Lavoie.

Teams in Connecticut, Illinois and Massachusetts, have already “played” the game learning what makes CMC employees so unique. If you haven’t yet participated in the Name Game, keep an eye out for an email from your manager. This will let you know when your team will be playing the Name Game.

“We encourage everyone to participate and it’s OK to attend and just listen,” said Collazo-Soto. “The overall goal is get to know one another, foster relationships, and learn about the different cultures that make up CMC. The IDEAs Council is confident once the game gets rolling you will be sharing with your teammates in no time!”

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