There are numerous cyber and digital threats out there, and any of them could damage your personal, professional or brand reputation. It’s important to avoid pitfalls like sharing offensive social media posts or circulating inappropriate email chains and threads throughout the company.

Equally important are the external threats that we all face in the digital world, especially hacking and phishing. Here are a few tips to help you protect your online persona on social media and in your inbox while in the workplace or at home:

Understand the company’s general social media policy

An organization’s social media policy typically outlines what type of Information can be shared with the public. The policy assures that employees represent the organization in a professional manner during and outside of work hours.

Make sure you get proper authorization

Most company policies require that only authorized individuals can represent or speak on behalf of the organization. Representing or speaking for the company includes the use of the corporate Identity, such as logos and branding. The marketing department is often responsible for maintaining an organization’s social media presence.

Know who you’re sharing with on social media

Check your privacy settings on social media. Make sure you are aware of who can see your posts, and lock down your accounts as much as possible.

Don’t send sensitive data in an email

Be careful about what information you send via email. Ask yourself, could there be an implication if someone was to access this information?

Keep your passwords fresh

The simplest upgrade you can make to your personal security is to have unique passwords for every account you use.

If you’d like to learn more about social media and email safety please refer back to your online training provided by HR.

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