House energy audit

Sometimes, it takes a while to dispel conventional wisdom.

Take duct leaks, for example: many people still believe that the benefits of sealing ductwork inside the thermal envelope (in basements, crawl spaces, and wall cavities) are limited to providing more comfort (eliminating hot and cold spots) and better air quality and have little impact on energy efficiency.

Not so, says a recent joint study by the Comfort Institute and the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance (GCEA).

“There is an erroneous belief among many building professionals that leaks within ductwork located inside the home have little effect on overall energy use,” said Comfort Institute co-founder Brendan Reid. “Based on individual home situations, homes with duct systems located inside the house can see a reduction in energy consumption between 5 percent to 15 percent.”

On average, the study showed that the amount of conditioned air seeping through the building envelope of 11 homes was reduced by 11.4 percent after the ducts were sealed. Multiple tests, including blower door tests administered before and after the duct sealing processes, revealed the reductions.

“The results of this study show that duct leakage not only impacts the air being distributed within the duct system itself, but also contributes to air leakage through the building envelope – and all of that can have a significant impact on a homeowner’s monthly energy bills,” said Reid.

Duct sealing could be part of your Home Energy Audit!

As part of your one-time copay of $149, our team will perform a comprehensive Home Energy Audit, which includes blower door testing to measure air leaks. Sealing ductwork is one of many measures that our technicians could install in your Connecticut home!

Others include:

  • Air sealing and window and door trim caulking
  • Installing foam on plumbing penetrations
  • Weather stripping access doors and installing outlet gaskets
  • Installing LED bulbs
  • Installing water measures, including sink aerators and low-flow showerheads

On average, we install $1,100 worth of energy efficiency measures, all for the same one-time copay – and that doesn’t include the energy savings you’ll enjoy for years to come.

The CMC Energy Services Home Energy Assessment – one of the best investments you can make for your Connecticut home – contact us today to learn more!

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