Home energy efficiency

Connecticut homeowners these days want home energy solutions that deliver it all: more comfort, lower energy bills, more value for their homes, and less impact on the environment. The good news is that they are often able to get it – thanks in part to advances in technology.

Consider these five technology trends influencing the energy efficiency landscape today.

  1. LED lighting – Did you know that 90 percent of the energy given off by traditional light bulbs is distributed as heat rather than light? Not so with LED lights, which are actually semiconductors to that directly convert electricity into light. LED consume as little as 20 percent of the energy of traditional incandescent bulbs, yet they last up to 25 times longer.
  2. Whole-house ratings – Homebuyers are always looking for ways to compare properties, and sellers are always looking for ways to set their homes apart from the crowd. Increasingly, both are turning to energy efficiency performance to do it. The DOE Home Energy Score provides comparable and credible information about a home’s energy use, which can improve home value (CMC offers DOE Home Energy Score evaluations – contact us for details).

    For new construction, whole-house ENERGY STAR ratings have been on the rise: long used to evaluate individual appliances, ENERGY STAR standards are now being applied to identify homes that meet strict criteria for thermal enclosure, heating and cooling, water management, lighting and appliances.

  3. Ductless systems – As much as forty percent of the hot or cold air produced by an HVAC system can be lost on its journey to the living space – due at least in part to ductwork leaks. A high-efficiency ductless (or “mini-split”) heat pump can deliver that air without the ductwork loss, providing targeted zone control, excellent air filtration, and quiet operation along the way. These compact units can even be combined with traditional high-efficiency furnaces to provide four-season heat and cooling even in colder climates.
  4. Low-Emissivity (Low-E) storm windows – Installing low-emissivity (Low-E) storm windows can save enough money to replace one window a year, says the US Department of Energy. How do they do it? Low-E windows are actually coated with a microscopically thin layer of metal that selectively allows some wavelengths of light to pass through while reflecting back others; this improves the window’s insulation ability, lowering your heating and cooling costs.
  5. Smart water meters – Smart water meters can detect leaks, identify suspicious water patterns, and help you manage household water usage. With a little investment of time, a smart meter can even tell you the best time to take a shower or run the dishwasher based on up-to-the-minute metered water costs.

Technology isn’t always the answer

While technology breakthroughs can really up the cool factor and get the glossy magazine articles, they aren’t they only way to save energy in your Connecticut home. Sometimes the simplest measures – caulk, seal, and door sweeps, for example – can have a dramatic effect on your bills without a big up front investment or high-tech bling.

In fact, one of the best investments you can make for your home is a Home Energy Audit from CMC Energy. For just $149, you’ll get an average of $1100 worth of efficiency measures – including an upgrade to LED lighting – for your Connecticut home.

Contact us today to sign up for your CT energy audit from CMC Energy Services and start saving on your energy bills!

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