Alex Dougherty, Field Operations Supervisor in CMC’s Fort Washington, PA location, was born, raised and currently lives in the Northwest Philadelphia area with his wife and son, Alex Jr. Professionally, having been with CMC Energy since 2017, Alex is Building Performance Institute (BPI), Lead Safe and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA 30) certified. Alex loves street art, DIY home remodeling and fatherhood. Although he is not a big sports fan, Alex does support all Philly teams and enjoys physical and family activities such as hiking Wissahickon Park, sledding, trips to the shore and is planning to travel once Covid-related restrictions are lifted.

Prior to joining CMC, what did you know of energy efficiency or the industry?

Before joining CMC I worked for a insulation company doing a variety of Home Performance jobs that included air sealing, blowing insulation, window installs. One job that sticks in my memory that convinced me this was the field for me is when I was working on a crew and our job was to insulate a garage ceiling that had a kitchen above. Up until that job, I didn’t really have much interest either way in the field, it was just a job. After we finished at the property and arrived at the shop, the owner of the company came down to the truck and let us know the customer called in in tears, happy tears. Apparently prior to the insulation install her kitchen was almost unusable during the winter months as the floor was ice cold. The family noticed instant results of the work we did that day. Eventually, I learned more about how these jobs not only improve comfort, they also reduce energy costs and help reduce the carbon footprint on earth. I can honestly say, I love this line of work and hope to learn and grown with it.

What made you join CMC?

I had a friend that worked for CMC and by talking with him it seemed CMC had career opportunities in the direction I wanted to go, paired with an honest hard working staff to accompany it.

What do you like about the work that you do at CMC?

Being able to help people! I was only working here a few months when a customer told me that hopefully the money saved by having an energy audit could be used for medication and food.

What do you do for fun? Do you have any hidden talents or interests?

I love street art, traveling, and being a Dad.

Besides work, how are you keeping busy during our “stay at home” period?

Working from home has been keeping me busy, remodeling my home has been a passion since the pandemic started. A few projects have been a new half bathroom, remodeled porch and adding a subway tile backsplash to the kitchen

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