Open window breeze

In Connecticut, we’re all too familiar with muggy summer days and sticky summer nights. When that heavy air fills your home, it’s hard to think of anything other than how uncomfortable it makes you feel.

But there are ways to keep home moisture to a minimum so you can stay comfortable and prevent long-term problems associated with having over-damp air in your home – mold, for example.

Here are eight tips to taming home humidity in the months to come:

  • Keep air moving – When possible, keep windows open – even slightly: A cross breeze will help humid air in your home to circulate rather than build up. Use vent fans, too – especially in your bathroom, where they can suck in damp air and vent it outside your home.
  • Take shorter showers – According to Critical Cactus, it only takes four to six pints of water to raise the humidity level inside of 1,000 square feet from 15 percent to 60 percent! Try to keep your shower time under control – and remember to use that vent fan!
  • Use your washer and dryer less – Your washing machine also contributes to home humidity, so only wash when you have a full load. Minimize dryer use, too, since some amount of the moisture from your clothes will invariably escape into your home air.
  • Use exhaust fans while cooking – Kitchen vent fans are good for removing steam as well as smoke – use them whenever you cook. Cover boiling pots, too.
  • Fix leaky pipes – Even minor leaks release moisture that will remain in your home as humidity, so if you find them, fix them quickly. Uninsulated pipes can also gather condensation, which will have the same result.
  • Keep your air conditioner well maintained – A central air conditioner does more than keep indoor air cool – it also reduces humidity. But a poorly maintained air conditioner won’t do either job very well. Get a tune-up every year – and make sure to check and change your air filter regularly, too: a clogged air filter restricts airflow, and as we have already seen, non-moving air will collect and retain humidity.
  • Waterproof basement walls – If you have concrete basement walls, it’s likely that ground moisture will at some point penetrate your basement and become humidity. Waterproofing basement walls will help to minimize this moisture – just be sure to choose materials that are appropriate for your basement’s construction materials.
  • Invest in insulation and air sealing measures – Keeping the conditions inside your home consistent will help to minimize moisture and humidity fluctuations. Proper insulation and weather sealing will help you to do that while also cutting your bills and reducing wear and tear on your A/C or furnace (a nice side bonus!).

Did you know that a CMC home energy assessment (energy audit) includes on-the-spot air sealing, an evaluation of the insulation in your home, and other energy efficiency measures – typically more than $1,100 worth of work – all for a single one-time payment of only $149 for electric and gas heated homes or $174 for oil and propane heated homes?

Contact us today to schedule your appointment for home energy assessment from CMC Energy Services!

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