
Summer months are hot, humid and—if not in air-conditioned spaces—extremely uncomfortable. People can more quickly become overheated during this time of the year, which leads to workers removing layers of clothing or other personal protective equipment (PPE) to beat the heat. To remain safe, here are some helpful tips to navigate the heat while staying safe.

  • Stay hydrated. This one tops all others. Your body will respond better and longer when properly hydrated. Turn fluid consumption into a game and see if you can beat your high score from the previous day. No matter how it happens, remember that every day in the heat you must drink plenty of fluids.
    *Remember – Avoid drinks that are high in caffeine or “energy drinks,” as these can add increased stress to your body that is already working hard to cool itself.
  • Don’t cut corners in the heat. This one is tough as any relief from the heat can seem like a benefit. Although it may be tempting to not properly wearing your PPE (helmets, harnesses, safety jackets, etc.), you can put yourself at risk of a serious injury. When it comes to safety and proper PPE wear, make sure you do it right every time. If that means working a little slower or taking frequent breaks to not overheat, that’s ok.
  • Understanding the elements. Taking note of the week’s weather and planning ahead can greatly improve your comfort. Dress appropriately for the weather and look for clothing that is moisture-wicking and breathable in the heat. This is especially important when it is humid. Humidity can have a dangerous effect on the body as humidity inhibits the body’s natural ability to produce sweat, which evaporates off the skin and cools the body. Dressing appropriately can help address this safety issue and keep you comfortable in the hottest weather.

All of CMC’s safety messages are meant to keep you safe. Whether you’ve heard it 1,000 times or are hearing it for the first time, it is important to take the measures listed above into account when working in hot environments. By staying hydrated, dressing appropriately and correctly wearing all PPE, you will reduce your risk of injury or other health issues and make it home happy and healthy every evening.

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