Seven Things You Might Not Know about LED Lighting
By now you’ve probably at least heard of LED lighting – but how much do you really know about it?
What Is a Home Energy Score?
Everyone likes to buy smart – especially when it comes to investing in their future home.
Eight Ways to Reduce Humid Summer Air in Your Connecticut Home
In Connecticut, we’re all too familiar with muggy summer days and sticky summer nights.
Insulation 101
It may not be as “sexy” as installing a new kitchen or adding a bathroom or investing in a high-tech HVAC system, but if you want to one of the best bang-for-the-buck ways to add value to…
Cool (and Mostly Free) Ways to Cut Your Energy Bills This Spring and Summer
Warm weather is coming (we promise!) – before you know it you’ll be setting your thermostat for “cool” and waiting for that first A/C bill to arrive.
Six Ways to Reduce Hot Water Usage
Imagine a gallon of milk in your refrigerator.
Now imagine 70 of them.
If you live in the average American household, that’s about how much hot water you’ll use every day – and you’re paying to heat every single one of them.
Five Trends in Home Energy Efficiency
Connecticut homeowners these days want home energy solutions that deliver it all: more comfort, lower energy bills, more value for their homes, and less impact on the environment. The good news is that they are often able to get it – thanks in part to advances in technology.
Becoming a Vampire Killer: Ways to Combat Wasted Stand-by Power in Your Connecticut Home
Vampire power. Phantom load. Ghost load.
Duct Sealing: An Unseen Key to Efficiency
Forced air HVAC systems are great (if you have vents rather than baseboards or radiators, you have a forced air system), but they do have one significant efficiency drawback…